
Friday, August 28, 2009

Handmade Market wares sneak preview

Here's a sneaky glimpse of two of the items I'll be taking along to the Handmade Market in Canberra on September 12th. I've got a couple more awaiting completion (both floor standing but both totally different!). They're a tad tricky to make but hopefully worth while!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Handmade Market coming soon!

Oooops! It's been ages since I posted to my blog. But....I've been busy busy making more lamps. It seems as soon as I have a nice little stock of them they all get bought - but I guess that is the point! I'm going to be working extra hard over the next couple of weeks to make sure I have some totally fantastic lamps for the Handmade Market on Sept 12th at the Yarralumla Woolshed in Canberra. I've already got some really really cool great big floor standing lamps almost finished. I'm very excited about them!! Sneak preview pics coming soon...